Qualoo News

An Interview with Keith Dawson, Founder of Qualoo Network

An Interview with Keith Dawson

During our second episode of DePin Unleased, Qualoo’s weekly X spaces, Keith Dawson, CEO and Founder of Qualoo, dug into how their approach is changing the way we think about the internet.

Keith’s passion for the project was palpable, and it became clear that Qualoo is not just another tech solution, but is positioned to shape the future of global connectivity.

In a world increasingly driven by digital connectivity, the Internet is more than just an everyday utility; it's a lifeline for millions. Yet, despite its critical importance, the Internet suffers from massive inefficiencies. That’s where Qualoo steps in. With a mission to transform the global internet landscape by bringing transparency, accountability, and intelligent data-driven insights, Qualoo is set to revolutionize how we experience online connectivity.

Question:: As the digital world rapidly evolves, many companies focus solely on profits without truly considering the everyday internet user. Inefficiencies across global networks create gaps in connectivity, raising costs and leaving users dissatisfied. Qualoo aims to address these challenges by offering full transparency and accountability to improve how the Internet operates worldwide.

Could you explain how Qualoo plans to address these issues?

Keith: Qualoo is designed to bring transparency and accountability to every stakeholder in the internet ecosystem. We don’t just point out issues—we tell providers exactly what’s wrong, provide evidence, and tell them how to fix it. Whether you’re a telecom company, a regulator, or just a regular internet user, our goal is to simplify and clarify the complexities of the internet.

The Cost of Inefficiency

Question: Keith, you’ve talked about inefficiencies in the global internet infrastructure. What exactly do you mean by that?

Keith: We’re talking about inefficiencies at all levels. Telecom providers around the world are spending huge amounts on infrastructure like submarine cables and data centers, but these resources are not being utilized properly. On top of that, there are countless inefficiencies in how customer issues are handled, like sending technicians for problems that could have been solved remotely. This costs the industry hundreds of billions of dollars a year, and all of these costs are passed down to consumers.

As Keith explained, inefficiencies in the global internet infrastructure cost the world hundreds of billions of dollars every year. "These inefficiencies range from sending out technicians for problems that could’ve been solved remotely to poorly utilized infrastructure investments. These costs get passed down to the consumer," Keith explained.

Beyond financial waste, there’s also a digital divide that leaves many regions with substandard internet services. Providers are often unwilling to expand networks into areas where profitability isn’t guaranteed. “It’s about money,” Keith emphasized. “But Qualoo aims to change that by bringing transparency and accountability to the entire industry.”

Connectivity is the Heart of Digital Growth

Question: Connectivity is becoming more and more important as the digital economy grows. How does Qualoo fit into this landscape?

Keith: Connectivity is the heart of everything digital. Without reliable internet, everything falls apart. And yet, people think of connectivity as something simple—just Wi-Fi or a cable in your house. It’s so much more than that. It’s about how your house connects to the rest of the world. Qualoo is changing that narrative by focusing on real-world data that shows how different parts of the network interact globally.

With the global digital economy booming, there’s no overestimating the importance of reliable connectivity. “Three and a half trillion dollars are spent on digitization, but all of it falls apart without robust connectivity,” Keith remarked. "People think connectivity is just about Wi-Fi, but it’s far more complex. It’s about how your house connects to the rest of the world."

The industry’s focus on simple metrics like speed tests doesn’t tell the full story. “Speed tests are fine for measuring basic connection rates, but they don’t tell you why you’re having constant dropouts or poor video calls,”

Keith added. “That’s where we come in—showing the real, hidden issues that affect your internet.”

Building the Largest Global Internet Map

One of Qualoo’s most ambitious goals is the creation of the world’s largest open-source map of internet connectivity. “We’re mapping the entire planet,” Keith said excitedly.

"We’ll be able to show where coverage is great, where it’s poor, and what’s causing the problems. It’s not just about the last mile of coverage; it’s about how every single part of the internet communicates globally."

This map won’t just be a tool for individuals but for businesses, telecom providers, and governments as well. Keith explained, “Companies will be able to use it to make smarter decisions about their digital infrastructure, and everyday users will finally know what’s affecting their internet.”

Question: Can you explain a bit more about the global internet map you’re building?

Keith: Sure. We’re creating the largest open-source map of the entire global internet. We’re mapping everything—showing where coverage is good, where it’s bad, and what’s causing the problems. It’s like Google Maps for the internet. Companies will use it to optimize their networks, and consumers will be able to see exactly what’s affecting their connectivity, whether in their neighborhood or halfway across the world.

Transparent Internet Quality in Your Pocket 📱

Qualoo is making the process of improving the internet fun for users. Through a mobile app, users can map internet quality as they move from place to place, earning points that can be redeemed for rewards. “We’re creating a community vibe where people can see their real-world contributions as they help map and improve global internet connectivity,” Keith explained.

These points can be used for everything from redeeming tokens to subscriptions, and even network hardware like routers. It’s a gamified way of building something bigger than just fast internet—it’s about connectivity for all.

Question: I love the idea of the mobile app. Could you talk about how people can get involved?

Keith: Absolutely. The mobile app is all about getting the everyday user involved in mapping internet quality. As people move around, the app will collect data on Wi-Fi networks and mobile towers, and users will earn points for contributing to the global map. Those points can be redeemed for things like tokens, subscriptions, or even hardware like routers. It’s a fun and engaging way for people to improve the internet while getting rewarded for it.

The Future of Connectivity is Bright

In addition to all the other updates, Keith shared his excitement for the company’s upcoming participation in Token 2049 in Singapore, where they’ll be showcasing live data and offering the first glimpse of their mobile app. With major events like this on the horizon, it’s clear that Qualoo is poised to make a significant impact on global internet infrastructure.

Question: With Token 2049 in Singapore coming up, what can attendees expect from Qualoo?

Keith: We’ll be showcasing live data from the app and giving attendees a chance to sign up for the waitlist. We’ll also be offering some cool goodies and giving people a sneak peek at the fixed node we’re working on. It’s an exciting time for us, and Token 2049 is the perfect place to showcase the future of global internet connectivity.

As Keith wrapped up the interview, one thing became abundantly clear: Qualoo is here to make the internet better for everyone. In a world where many are focused on their own slice of the internet, it’s refreshing to see a company dedicated to improving it as a whole.

With Keith’s insight and the innovative vision behind Qualoo, it's evident that the future of the internet is evolving. Qualoo is creating a transparent, accountable, and user-centric internet experience—one that benefits everyone.

Stay tuned for more as Qualoo continues to shape the way we connect globally.

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